Now, after nearly 88 years plus, there is an integrally forged counter-slung crankshaft available for Model A engines built between 1928 and 1931 by the Ford Motor company.
Forged overseas in a ISO 9002 (1998) and QS 9000 (2004) facility from 4340 non-twist steel, these aftermarket crankshafts are designed from original specifications for the Model A engine with the addition of the sling profiles from the late model B engine (also commonly called the model C engine, although there was never such a designation from the manufacturer.)
We call it the type AB-2 quarter-damped crankshaft, since what it really does is to dampen the pulses created by the in-line four cylinder engine. The original 63 pounds of flywheel was intended to do the same, and it succeeded very well in over-damping cylinders 3 and 4, and underdamping cylinders 1 and 2.
The original crankshaft was in fact balanced, although it had no counterslings. The problem with it was that it was completely un-damped.
Please contact us for pricing.